Taking advantage of distributed and/or parralel systems through interfacing between components | Kisaco Research


Tom Sheffler

Solution Architect, Next Generation Sequencing
Former Roche

Tom earned his PhD from Carnegie Mellon in Computer Engineering with a focus on parallel computing architectures and prrogramming models.  His interest in high-performance computing took him to NASA Ames, and then to Rambus where he worked on accelerated memory interfaces for providing high bandwidth.  Following that, he co-founded the cloud video analytics company, Sensr.net, that applied scalable cloud computing to analyzing large streams of video data.  He later joined Roche to work on next-generation sequencing and scalable genomics analysis platforms.  Throughout his career, Tom has focused on the application of high performance computer systems to real world problems.

Tom Sheffler

Solution Architect, Next Generation Sequencing
Former Roche

Tom earned his PhD from Carnegie Mellon in Computer Engineering with a focus on parallel computing architectures and prrogramming models.  His interest in high-performance computing took him to NASA Ames, and then to Rambus where he worked on accelerated memory interfaces for providing high bandwidth.  Following that, he co-founded the cloud video analytics company, Sensr.net, that applied scalable cloud computing to analyzing large streams of video data.  He later joined Roche to work on next-generation sequencing and scalable genomics analysis platforms.  Throughout his career, Tom has focused on the application of high performance computer systems to real world problems.