Marcelo Giuliano
Marketing Manager
Plant Impact, Brazil
Marconi Dias
Commercial and Marketing Director, Brazil
Plant Impact
Carlos Ramos Venancio
General Coordinator of pesticides and related CGAA of the Department of supervision of agricultural inputs DFIA
Ministry Agriculture
Rogerio Rubin
Crop Protection R&D Field Leader
Dow AgroSciences
Balakrishnan Prithiviraj
Associate Professor Plant Stress, Physiology Research Chair
Dalhousie University
Maria Luiza
Regulatory Consultant
Sandro Frati
New Business Development
BiPA Biological Products for Agriculture
Eduardo Mazzieri
Strategic Marketing Director, Soybean
Bayer CropScience
Fabio Torretta
CEO Latin America
Arysta LifeScience
Rodrigo Gregorio Botelho