Stephen Henn
Geetha Senthil
David Kanter
David co-founded and is the Head of MLPerf for MLCommons, the world leader in building benchmarks for AI. MLCommons is an open engineering consortium with a mission to make AI better for everyone through benchmarks and data. The foundation for MLCommons began with the MLPerf benchmarks in 2018, which rapidly scaled as a set of industry metrics to measure machine learning performance and promote transparency of machine learning techniques. In collaboration with its 125+ members, global technology providers, academics, and researchers, MLCommons is focused on collaborative engineering work that builds tools for the entire AI industry through benchmarks and metrics, public datasets, and measurements for AI Safety. Our software projects are generally available under the Apache 2.0 license and our datasets generally use CC-BY 4.0.
Camberley Bates
Geetha Senthil
Galen Shipman
Galen Shipman is a computer scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). His interests include programming models, scalable runtime systems, and I/O. As Chief Architect he leads architecture and technology of Advanced Technology Systems (ATS) at LANL. He has led performance engineering across LANL’s multi-physics integrated codes and the advancement and integration of next-generation programming models such as the Legion programming system as part of LANL's next-generation code project, Ristra. His work in storage systems and I/O is currently focused on composable micro-services as part of the Mochi project. His prior work in scalable software for HPC include major contributions to broadly used technologies including the Lustre parallel file system and Open MPI.
Sandeep Singh
Sony Varghese
Dr. Sony Varghese is Senior Director of strategic marketing for memory in the Semiconductor Products Group at Applied Materials. In this role, he is involved in identifying challenges to scaling and future key inflections in the memory industry. Prior to Applied Materials, he worked on developing various memory technologies within the R&D organization at Micron Technologies. Dr. Varghese has over 25 U.S. patents issued or pending in the area of semiconductor processing and integration. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Materials Engineering from The Oklahoma State University, USA.